Thursday, September 18, 2008

Changes in my life.

Remember how I said that I was fine with M liking Tony? Well, I still don’t hate her, of course, but she’s really starting to get on my nerves. “Why?” - you may ask. Well, I’m getting seriously sick of the way she keeps on talking on and on non-stop about Tony all the time! Seriously, sometimes I cannot stand the way she will talk about how she will try to find opportunities to meet Tony alone. She even said she wanted to invite him to her house! And… AND… the part I’m most irritated about is that she is STILL flirting around with boys even though she says she is in love with Tony!!! I have not been hanging out with her so often now. Still, I can honestly say that it’s not jealousy that I’m feeling. It’s just… irritating to hear her talk like that, you know?

Now, I have to stop my ranting for a bit and thank all of you lovely people for giving me advice over the past few weeks. You girls and dudes have really helped me a lot and I really appreciate your comments. You comfort me and help me through the times when I am feeling stressed. HERE’S A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL!!! *Hugs*

Because of your advice, I managed to understand the situation my Mom is in. I realise that I have not been very fair to her by blaming her for everything. After all, she is also feeling stressed over having to take care of Ben too.

A few days ago, Katy had her 10th birthday. At first, Mom had no time and energy to organize a birthday party for her and Katy was very angry. They had a quarrel and I was about to take Katy’s side when I suddenly realised that Mom was looking extremely stressed out and tired. At that moment, I suddenly understood that it must have been really tiring to take care of Ben, and I pitied her. So, I offered to be the one to organize Katy’s birthday party.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I get along better with Katy now. I used to think she was irritating and childish. She is not exactly very mature yet, but she has stopped acting like a baby. I’m not so irritated by her now and I quite like it when sometimes, we spend some time with each other. Occasionally, we still quarrel, but as compared to the past, I think that I like Katy a lot more and we are much closer to each other now.

Yours Hopefully,


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