Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life after Death.

I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a funeral. I had been expecting Ben’s funeral to be very serious and gloomy, but it was not like that at all. It was a bright and sunny day – not at all like what a funeral was supposed to be like. We all said our last goodbyes to our dear sweet Ben, and Mr Henderson said something that really made us feel a bit better.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

I think Mr Henderson means that people like Ben, who are so innocent and sweet and who has not learnt the bad part of human nature, will be happy when they leave this world, because they will go to Heaven and be happy with God. When we heard what Mr Henderson said, we all felt better because we knew that our dear Ben is happy with God in Heaven...

We started to try and get back to our normal lives. Sometimes, I start to feel a bit better and then suddenly I will feel guilty about the fact that I am not feeling sad that Ben is gone... =( What’s wrong with me?

It was very hard for us to look at Ben’s clothes and toys after he passed away. They reminded us so much of him.. However, one day, we took out all his clothes and toys and decided to donate them to charity. I think he would have wanted us to do that – he would have wanted us to help other unfortunate childeren just like himself...

One day at work... I met a little girl... Oh dear.. how she reminds me of Ben!
Her name is Jackie. She has Down’s Syndrome, so she does not learn things as quickly as normal children. But she is lovely. I like her, and I like her mother too.

Guess what? Her mother offered to employ me as a babysitter for Jackie! I am going to love Jackie the same way I love Ben. I promise...

Yours Always,Anna


ErNiE said...

the dead is the dead hope he is happy with god cheer up take cares

Sweetie said...

I think u should live and let live and stop thinking about ben and treat Jackie like Ben and start your new life.Ermm just to check if i read the book correctly,I though Jackie is Tony sister.Then when you u baby sit Jackie then u will be able to see Tony each day to visit Jackie isn't that great.
take care

l0ve is ar0und said...

Although she cannot cope with the stress that ben had died,but it is also good for him because he would not need to suffer so much than he rather die.i dun think her sister,katy, is sad because although she had cried so much,on the next day she would pretend nothing has happened and still ask for two bowl of is also good for anna because her friend will not say bad things about her knowing ben's death.

♥Neko♥ said...

hi anna i agree with what ever caryn says treat jackie like ben n start a new life cheer up and do take care >.< ^.^ :D

xiaoj.maine said...

hey anna,
you should be happy right? because now u found your new job and go babysit jackie(tony sister) it is a very great thing cuz u can see tony everyday,everytime and lastly everysecond. it must be your wish perhaps...because u like tony when u 1st met him in the tennis court.. but i have to say that relationship is not so important than studying..studying is our daily lives whenever we errhh lastly, i want to tell you that cherish this time to love tony if u want..bye =)


xiao-ZHU said...


erm.. i knows how you felt(SAD)...but i think you sould try to put down the things that had happened to Ben and start a new life .You know Ben never come back again.Erm..i also think you can try to treat Jackie like Ben .


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